Choosing right battery

Choosing industrial batteries – things you may have missed.

Some customers know precisely what they require for their new application. They know what questions to ask during the first encounter with a worried battery seller since they have a well-composed list of criteria and have done quick research. However, there are some characteristics that many people overlook when selecting batteries for industrial purposes. Let´s take a closer look at this.


Safety Risks – A Pricey Predicament!

We’ve all heard the adage, ‘quality comes at a price,’ and that certainly holds true. But, have you considered the safety risks associated with certain types of batteries, like lithium batteries? When they need to be transported over long distances, the specific safety regulations come into play. Lithium batteries must be classified, packaged, labeled, and declared accurately in transportation documents – talk about a rigorous journey!

When transporting lithium batteries abroad, several regulations must be observed (such as labeling the goods with ADR and RID). This, of course, puts pressure on both the battery provider and the freight company.


Facts about batteries


Lithium or Nickel metal hydride?

Ah, the classic dilemma of choosing between NiMH and Lithium batteries. Lithium batteries are widely used thanks to their lightweight and compact nature, perfect for IoT devices where space is a precious commodity. However, when it comes to battery packs for applications without size restrictions, the decision becomes more complex.

Lithium batteries typically boast a higher energy density compared to NiMH batteries. This means that, given the same size and weight, lithium batteries can store more energy, offering longer-lasting power for electronic devices. This key advantage makes lithium batteries the preferred choice for smartphones, laptops, and other portable gadgets.

Conversely, NiMH cells, with a nominal voltage of 1.2 V, find their primary use in battery packs where they are combined to provide higher energy output for specific applications. One of the standout features of NiMH batteries is their safety profile, which is superior to that of lithium batteries. This makes NiMH a go-to solution for industries that prioritize safety, such as aircraft, railways, and others.

Even though a battery pack containing NiMH cells may not match the capacity of one with lithium cells, it remains a preferred choice for safety-critical applications. In scenarios where security is of paramount importance, NiMH batteries offer a more reliable and trusted option.


Specification for batteries

Confusion in storage-time

How long a battery can be stored without losing too much of its capacity is not crystal clear.  Many customers believe that the capacity will remain constant after a year of storage. Many people overlook the fact that battery capacity varies based on chemistry, temperature, and storage conditions. Furthermore, how the batteries are delivered from the manufacturer to the customer makes a significant effect.

Did you know that summer is the worst time for battery shipping? During the summer, the high temperatures lead to much lower state of charge, and many customers choose to power the batteries as soon as they come from the manufacturer to ensure the condition of the battery. To decrease the danger of significant capacity loss during shipment, it may be preferable to schedule deliveries during the fall and winter seasons.


Different battery chemistries


A Sweet Deal – More Volume, More Savings!

Is it possible to acquire reduced pricing for an order after considering all of the previously listed factors? Yes, the answer is YES.  Normally, you can accomplish so by suggesting a larger volume of purchases and spreading your order out over time. For example, for your next project, you will only require 50 000 units. If you order 70 000 units instead, you may spread them out over 12 months, lowering your warehousing costs (double win!).


Lithium batteries

Hidden Gems – Unveiling Additional Offerings!


What many customers overlook when selecting industrial batteries and a reliable battery supplier are the options for additional offers. As you are aware, all batteries (regardless of chemistry) have a self-discharge rate that happens when the battery is not in use.

This means that your order will almost certainly require charging as soon as it arrives. Would you then be willing to pay a little extra for your supplier to double-check the status of your order and charge all of the batteries before delivering them to your location?

Other offers to pay attention to:
  • Order quantities. Is it possible to get designed battery packs in smaller quantities from the battery supplier?
  • Production in Europe – is it possible to shorten the lead time by choosing European production (which also ensures the quality of the products)?
  • Testing & quality control – not every battery supplier offers quality control additional to those already ensured in the documentation.
  • Flexible deliveries – Does a battery supplier modify your delivery to your specific demands, taking into account variations in time and volume?


Powering portable devices with batteries.


As a customer, you may be familiar with the majority of your application’s features. Thus, you can additionally be aware of the capacity that you’ll require for particular batteries. You most likely know everything there is to know about the security system and all of the documentation required for your project. However, even minor changes can occasionally offer up entirely new options.

We hope this article inspires you to ask the correct questions to our battery supplier. Otherwise, just a DM will be fine to reach out for free guidance from EXO Industry 😉